Agriculture Machinery Waste Recycling Machinery

Fodder Technology in Indian Agriculture System

In India, the relationship between agriculturists and their livestock is quite ancient and unique. Since most agriculturists use their livestock to earn an extra income, they take special care to maintain their health and nutrition. In the recent years, the government has made conscious efforts to raise awareness about the need to ensuring proper healthcare and management of the livestock in addition to highlighting the need to provide proper nutritious diet to them.

Fodder Block Technology


The advances in fodder technology have proven especially helpful in this government initiative. Nearly 4.9% of the total agricultural systems in India being used for producing fodder for livestock. The use of intricate fodder technologies has ensured significant enhancement in a nutrition rich fodder without increasing the area of cultivation.


In addition, various schemes have been launched by regional governments to attract small agriculturists into growing products for livestock. These farmers are encouraged to grow crops which not only provide food grains for their own consumption but also provide nutritious fodder for livestock. They are provided with diverse varieties of seeds developed with the help of modern fodder technologies. This ensures that the yield of the crops is better in both quality and quantity besides which the residue left for consumption by livestock makes for a healthy diet for the animals.


Watch the video of Fodder Block Making Machine

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